Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Join County Chair Ted Wheeler for a video tour of the Sellwood Bridge

Replacing the Sellwood Bridge is Multnomah County’s top transportation priority. The Sellwood is the busiest two-lane bridge in Oregon. Unfortunately after 83 years of use, the structure has reached the end of its service life. It has so many problems the federal government gives it a score of 2 on a sufficiency scale of 1 to 100.

With input from the public, the county and its regional partners have recommended the bridge be replaced (see the Locally Preferred Alternative). Planning, engineering and funding work remain before a new bridge can be built.

In the meantime, join County Chair Ted Wheeler for a video tour of the Sellwood Bridge. Learn why the bridge has so many problems and what the County is doing to keep it safe until a new bridge is built. And visit the Sellwood Bridge Project website each month for the latest news on the bridge replacement project. Send me your questions and comments.

Mike Pullen, Project Public Information Officer
Multnomah County Public Affairs